

发布日期:2020-05-05    点击:





2023.7-2026.07  主持 内蒙古自治区科技计划项目(2023YFHH0030)

2022.1-2025.12  主持 国家肉羊产业技术体系子任务(CARS38)

2018.1-2021.12   主持 国家自然科学基金项目 《IUGR蒙古绵羊胎儿肾周脂肪线粒体生物合成程序化改变及其阻滞褐色脂肪细胞发育分化分子机理研究》

2017.1-2020.12   主持 中国现代农业产业体系项目子课题(CARS38)

2015.1-2018.12   主持 国家自然科学基金项目 《IUGR蒙古绵羊胎儿胸腺微环境程序性改变及其阻滞胸腺T淋巴细胞发育分子机理研究》

2013.01-2015.12  主持 内蒙古自然科学基金“杰出青年”基金项目

2013.01-2015.12  主持 国家自然科学基金项目 《胎儿宫内生长受限对蒙古绵羊胎儿肝脏细胞增殖生长发育模式的影响及其分子机理研究》

2013.01-2014.12  主持 内蒙古高等学校青年科技英才支持计划项目(NJYT-12-B09)

2010.1-2012.12  主持 国家重点实验室开放性课题 《围产前期不同能蛋水平对出生后犊牛生长性能、免疫能力及内分泌影响的研究》

2009.01-2012.12  主持 国家自然科学基金项目《胎儿宫内生长受限对蒙古绵羊胎儿T淋巴细胞发育及胸腺相关基因表达的影响》

2001.1-2003.12  参加 国家自然基金项目《限制和补偿生长对蒙古绵羊机体组织器官、消化系统的发育、激素分泌水平和免疫能力的影响》,项目主要执行人。

1999.1-2001.12  参加 国家自然基金项目《内蒙古地区放牧条件下绵羊补偿生长机理的研究》,项目主要执行人。


Zi, Y.; Ma, C.; Yang, Y.; Zhao, L.; Liu, Y. and Gao, F. Oxidative damage and exocrine dysfunction of ovine fetal pancreas are induced by maternal nutritional restriction. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia. 2023. 52:1-9. https:~~doi.org~10.37496~rbz5220220088

Zi Y, Ma C, He S, Yang H, Zhang M, Gao F*, Liu Y*. Effects of intrauterine growth restriction during late pregnancy on the cell growth, proliferation, and differentiation in ovine fetal thymuses. Anim Biosci. 2022 Jul;35(7):989-998. doi: 10.5713~ab.21.0414.

Yang H, Ma C, Zi Y, Zhang M, Liu Y, Wu K, Gao F *. Effects of maternal undernutrition during late pregnancy on the regulatory factors involved in growth and development in ovine fetal perirenal brown adipose tissue. Animal bioscience. 2022; 35(7): 1010-1020DOI: 10.5713~ab.21.0199.

Zi Y, Ma C, Li H, Shen S, Liu Y, Li M, Gao F *. Effects of intrauterine growth restriction during late pregnancy on the ovine fetal renal function and antioxidant capacity. Anim Sci J. 2021 Dec;92(1):e13613. doi: 10.1111~asj.13613.

王珍如, 訾阳, 杜贺阳, 冯波, 高峰*, 格日勒图(2021). 不同酶对羊血红蛋白酶解液抗氧化活性的影响. 中国畜牧杂志, 57(6), 5

Huan Yang, Ying Wang, Chi Ma, Chuan Sun, Yingchun Liu, Kaifeng Wu, Ming Li, Gerelt Borjigin and Feng Gao*. Effcts of feed intake restriction during late pregnancy on the function, anti-oxidation capability and acute phase protein synthesis of ovine liver. Asian-Australas J Anim Sci. 2019, 32(2):217-223.

陈钰萌,韩哲先,刘迎春,高峰*;荷斯坦奶牛乳腺干细胞的成骨诱导及鉴定 [J]. 中国组织工程研究. 2019,23(9):1359-1363

刘迎春,陈钰萌,韩哲先,高峰*,周欢敏;荷斯坦奶牛乳腺干细胞的成神经诱导鉴定及催乳素对其增殖活性的影响[J]. 畜牧兽医学报. 2018, 49(3):542-548

Yingchun Liu, Hui Li, Qila Sha, Rihan Hai, Ying Wang,Yanfeng Song, Feng Gao*. Effects of maternal undernutrition on the growth, development and antioxidant status of ovine placentome subtypes during late pregnancy. Theriogenology. 2018,110: 96-102.

Yingchun Liu , Chi Ma, Lingyao Li, Feng Gao *,Changjin Ao. Effects of intrauterine growth restriction during late pregnancy on the cell apoptosis and related gene expression in ovine fetal liver. Theriogenology. 2017 (90) ,204-209

Zhang C.Z, Liu Y.C., Gao F*. Effects of feed intake restriction during late pregnancy on maternal metabolic changes and fetal development in ewes. Czech J. Anim. Sci. 2015 (12): 557–563  

Liu Y, He S, Zhang Y, Xia W, Li M, Zhang C, Gao F*. Effects of intrauterine growth restriction during late pregnancy on the development of the ovine fetal thymus and the T-lymphocyte subpopulation. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 2015. 74: 26–37.

Feng Gao, Yingchun Liu, Lingyao Li, Ming Li, Chongzhi Zhang, Changjin Ao, Xianzhi Hou. Effects of maternal undernutrition during late pregnancy on the development and function of ovine fetal liver. Animal Reproduction Science. 2014.147: 99-105 (IF: 1.897)

Feng Gao, YingChun Liu, Chongzhi Zhang, Zhihong Zhang, ShanShan Song. Effect of intrauterine growth restriction during late pregnancy on the growth performance, blood components, immunity and anti-oxidation capability of ovine fetus. Livestock Science. 2013,155:435-441

Gao F, Liu YC. Hou XZ. Effect of maternal undernutrition during late pregnancy on hormonal status and metabolic changes in neonatal lambs. Czech. J. Anim. Sci. 2013, 58(1): 15-20

Gao F, Liu YC, Zhang ZH, Zhang CZ, Su HW and Li SL. Effect of maternal different energy density during prepartum on the growth performance, immunity and anti-oxidation capability of neonatal calves. Journal of Dairy Science. 2012, 95:4510-4518

Feng Gao, Yingchun Liu, Xianzhi Hou. Effect of Maternal Undernutrition During Late Pregnancy on organs Growth and Development of Ovine Fetal. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 2009(12): 1633 - 1639

Feng Gao, Xianzhi Hou, Yingchun Liu. Effect of hormonal status and metabolic changes of restricted ewes during late pregnancy on their fetal growth and development. Science in China Series C: Life Sciences. 2007, 50 (6): 766-772.

Feng Gao, Xianzhi Hou, Yingchun Liu, et al. Effect of maternal under nutrition during late pregnancy on lambs birth weight. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 2008, 21(3):371-375.

Feng Gao, Xianzhi Hou, Yingchun Liu. Effect of intrauterine growth restriction on weight and cellularity of gastrointestinal tract in postnatal lambs. Canada. J. Anim. Sci. 2008,88(1):107-112.

Yingchun Liu, Huanmin Zhou, Feng Gao. Isolation and Identification of Stem Cells from Adult Cashmere Goat Skin. The International Journal of Dermatology. 2008, 47:551-556.










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